NCIS Shock: Diona Reasonover Teases Kasie’s ‘First’ in Finale!

During a recent conversation with TVLine at CBS’ fall schedule reveal party, Diona Reasonover, known for her role as Kasie Hines on NCIS, unveiled some insights into the character’s upcoming journey. Firstly, the highly anticipated “feng shui” makeover of Kasie’s lab might not be a permanent change after all. Reasonover acknowledged the issue of sun glare in Kasie’s workspace, suggesting that the makeover could be reverted soon.

However, amidst the uncertainty surrounding the lab’s makeover, there’s a beacon of hope for Kasie enthusiasts. The Season 21 finale promises a pivotal moment for her character. Reasonover conveyed her excitement about this upcoming development, tantalizing viewers with anticipation.

Looking ahead to Season 22, TVLine speculated that it might be time for Kasie’s romantic life to take the spotlight. Since her breakup with Piper in Season 19, her love life has taken a backseat. Reasonover enthusiastically proposed the idea of delving into Kasie’s experiences with online dating, curious about what her character’s dating profile would entail. Despite being somewhat out of touch with current dating app trends due to her own marital happiness, Reasonover had a particular dreamcasting choice for Kasie’s next romantic interest – Keke Palmer.

It appears that there are intriguing prospects in store for Kasie Hines, both personally and professionally, as NCIS continues to enthrall audiences with its ever-evolving characters and narratives.

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