The fourth installment in the NCIS franchise, NCIS: Hawai’i, has officially become the shortest-lived series in the franchise’s history, ending after just three seasons. The show’s cancellation in May 2024 came as a surprise to many fans, particularly because of its strong performance and popular crossover episodes with other NCIS series.
In late April 2024, CBS executives announced that NCIS: Hawai’i would not be renewed for a fourth season, just weeks before its season finale. Several factors contributed to this decision, with high production costs being a primary reason. Filming in Hawai’i, while visually stunning, was notably more expensive compared to mainland locations. Additionally, the third season’s viewership numbers fell short of expectations, and CBS was looking to refresh its programming lineup with new content.
The timing of the cancellation coincided with CBS’s announcement of a new prequel series, NCIS: Origins, which may have also played a role in the network’s decision to end NCIS: Hawai’i. Despite maintaining a steady viewership of over seven million per season, the show faced increasing challenges in a highly competitive television landscape.
Throughout its run, NCIS: Hawai’i became known for its engaging storylines and memorable crossovers with NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles. However, unlike shows such as S.W.A.T., which saw cancellations reversed or moves to different platforms, there are no current plans to revive NCIS: Hawai’i or shift it to another network. The series will conclude with its third season, marking the end of its journey in the NCIS universe.