The NCIS cast continues to mourn the loss of David McCallum, the beloved actor who brought Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard to life for 20 seasons. As Season 21 unfolds, the show will honor McCallum and his iconic character in next week’s emotional episode titled “The Stories We Leave Behind,” set to air on February 19.
Wilmer Valderrama, who worked closely with McCallum, shared a heartfelt tribute ahead of the episode’s premiere. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Valderrama emphasized the importance of this episode for both fans and the NCIS family, offering much-needed closure. He reflected on McCallum’s enduring professionalism, stating, “Right up to the last scene I did with him, he never missed a line. He reminded us all to always strive for more.”
Written by Brian Dietzen, the episode promises to be a fitting farewell to Ducky, taking viewers on a poignant journey through his legacy. Fans can expect a touching tribute to one of NCIS’s most cherished characters.