The cast of NCIS: Hawai’i gathered for a heartfelt farewell on Friday evening, celebrating their three-year journey with a local beach gathering. Vanessa Lachey (Jane Tennant), Tori Anderson (Kate), Jason Antoon (Ernie), and his wife Seana Kofoed (Dr. Chase) were joined by their spouses and friends, including Lachey’s husband Nick Lachey, Anderson’s husband Mitch Myers, and Noah Mills.
This gathering came two weeks after CBS announced the cancellation of NCIS: Hawai’i, following the completion of filming for its final episode a month ago.
Vanessa Lachey took to Instagram to express her gratitude, posting, “We U Hawai’i…. We really REALLY LOVE You!” She praised the series and its location, while also paying tribute to the absent original cast members, Alex Tarrant (Kai) and Yasmine Al-Bustami (Lucy), with heartfelt messages.
Fans have rallied with a #SaveNCISHawaii campaign, even putting up a billboard in Times Square, a gesture recognized and appreciated by Lachey and the rest of the cast.