The upcoming NCIS spin-off focusing on Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David is generating significant buzz, with recent updates from the cast adding to the excitement. Michael Weatherly, who returns as the charismatic Tony DiNozzo, recently shared a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the new series, NCIS: Tony & Ziva, on social media. The atmospheric photo he posted was accompanied by a teasing caption: “Hi everyone… it seems there is a future crisis only 2 people can fix. Here’s one of them: #ncis &ziva.” This cryptic message has fans eagerly speculating about the thrilling developments in store for these beloved characters.
Production on the series, which began last month in Budapest, is already shaping up to be a captivating addition to the NCIS franchise. Alongside Weatherly, Cote de Pablo returns to her iconic role as Ziva David, reuniting the fan-favorite duo. The spin-off was quickly nicknamed “The Tiva Spin-off” by enthusiastic fans when it was announced earlier this year—a moniker that appears to fit perfectly.
Set in Paris, the show will follow Tony and Ziva as they navigate life together while raising their daughter, Tali. This premise has thrilled fans who have long wished for a continuation of the couple’s story. CBS Studios President David Stapf acknowledged the strong fan demand for the series when it was announced, noting that “there was an organic reason for this show to exist; it was almost like a fan demand for it.” The series is expected to deliver with a mix of fan service and exciting new storylines.
With the full cast now confirmed and production in full swing, anticipation for NCIS: Tony & Ziva is at an all-time high. The show promises to blend the intense action and drama that NCIS is known for with the deeply personal story of Tony and Ziva’s relationship, ensuring a compelling experience for both long-time fans and newcomers alike.