BLUE BLOODS actor Donnie Wahlberg remains optimistic about the future of the show, despite the upcoming final season. In a recent video, Wahlberg shared his hope for new developments, saying, “We filmed what seems to be the last season of BLUE BLOODS, which will air starting in October. While there’s no official word yet, there are discussions happening. Maybe something exciting will come out of it. Regardless, I’ll be doing things after BLUE BLOODS no matter what.”
CBS’s president, David Stapf, also hinted at potential future projects related to the series. “While we don’t have anything in development right now, BLUE BLOODS is a beloved show with a strong brand,” Stapf told Deadline. “We’re taking our time to get it right and exploring what the next iteration could look like. We have a full season to celebrate the show’s legacy before we make any decisions.”
The final episodes of BLUE BLOODS will air from October to December, following the series’ completion of filming in July. According to Screen Rant, a successful spinoff would need to preserve the original show’s focus on family values, which have been central to its popularity.
Wahlberg has expressed his disbelief and sadness about the show ending, reflecting on the uncertainty faced by the cast and crew over the past few years. “A few years ago, we weren’t sure if we’d ever see each other again due to many unforeseen challenges. It’s been a tough journey, and I’m grateful we had more time together. I hope we can create something special again in the future, and I won’t stop trying,” he said.
Tom Selleck, Wahlberg’s co-star, echoed similar feelings, describing his experience working on the show as a “dream come true” and extending gratitude to CBS and the fans for their support.