In Season 21 of NCIS, the show ventured into the realm of the paranormal with the episode “Strange Invaders,” but it narrowly avoided an alien twist. The episode initially suggested extraterrestrial elements when Navy fighter pilot Lieutenant Elliot Greene was found dead with inexplicable gunshot wounds and traces of a mysterious atomic element. However, the story ultimately revealed that the levitating killer was a powerful AI, showcasing a national security threat rather than an alien invasion.
This plotline, though thrilling, left some unresolved threads that will likely continue into Season 22. With Jessica Knight accepting a promotion in the Season 21 finale and questions remaining about the fates of Special Agent Alden Parker and NCIS Director Leon Vance—who suffered serious injuries—the next season promises to address these lingering issues.
Season 21 was notable for several reasons: it honored Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, who passed away at 90, and celebrated the 1000th episode of the NCIS franchise. Despite the season’s shortened run due to the WGA strike, it made significant strides, including the introduction of supernatural elements.
As NCIS moves into Season 22, it’s unclear how much of the paranormal storyline will persist, especially with the potential for new dynamics like the Tony & Ziva spinoff. Fans can anticipate that the show will grapple with the implications of its boundary-pushing narrative from the previous season, ensuring that the franchise remains engaging and credible while exploring new storytelling horizons.