In an intriguing crossover, CBS stalwarts 48 Hours and NCIS are joining forces in a new podcast series from Paramount Audio. Titled 48 Hours: NCIS, the series, hosted by Natalie Morales of The Talk, will merge elements from both shows to deliver compelling true crime storytelling. The podcast is set to premiere on October 29, 2024.
This six-episode season will delve into the real-life case of Marine wife Erin Corwin, who disappeared in Joshua Tree National Park at the age of 19. Her body was discovered two months later, with a fellow Marine emerging as the primary suspect. The season promises a gripping exploration of the “twisted story of infidelity and betrayal” that led to Corwin’s tragic death.
Steve Raizes, Paramount Global’s EVP of Podcasting and Audio, highlighted the innovative nature of this crossover. “I can’t think of a better way to showcase the power of Paramount’s IP than by combining two of CBS’ most successful franchises to create new, original digital content,” Raizes said. “We are excited to offer NCIS fans an in-depth look into real cases investigated by the agents portrayed on the show, and to provide 48 Hours listeners with even more of the premium storytelling they expect from our brand.”