Jessica Knight’s Potential NCIS Exit: How Her Career Could Skyrocket Next!

Jessica Knight may leave NCIS to pursue a new role as a REACT Chief Training Officer, broadening her career horizons. This new position comes with benefits such as increased authority, travel opportunities, and new connections. A crossover between NCIS and REACT could maintain character reunions and continue the trend.

Although Jessica Knight might be departing NCIS, her story is far from over, and her career could evolve beyond what has been shown so far. The season 21 finale of NCIS hinted that Katrina Law’s character, Jessica Knight, could potentially be leaving to take on the role of NCIS REACT Chief Training Officer. Season 22 will reveal the outcome of her decision, as accepting the new job means leaving her team and her boyfriend, Jimmy Palmer.

All 21 seasons of NCIS are available to stream on Paramount+.

Jessica Knight, an ambitious character who joined NCIS in season 18, has since become a popular and trustworthy member of the team. The announcement of her possible departure surprised many, but it doesn’t necessarily mean her time with NCIS is ending. She will still remain part of the NCIS universe in her new role with REACT, and there could be opportunities to combine her old role with her new career ambitions.

After Jessica announced her departure, there were concerns about its impact on the team and her relationship with Jimmy, but there are positives as well. The new job is located at Camp Pendleton in California and involves high-security clearances and handling tense situations, which means she could travel around the United States. As an NCIS REACT Chief Training Officer, Jessica will expand her career beyond her role in Washington.

“The position would also allow her to meet new people, and it would give her a position of power, which makes sense for her career growth, given how ambitious and courageous she is.”

While specific details about the position are scarce, the REACT role is undoubtedly a promotion from her current position as an NCIS Special Agent to a team lead as Chief Training Officer. This role will allow her to meet new people and hold a position of power, aligning with her ambitious and courageous nature. Jessica’s best moments in NCIS season 21 demonstrate her readiness for this new role.

Even though Jessica is advancing her career, it doesn’t mean her role with the NCIS team in Washington is necessarily over. NCIS is known for featuring cameos and crossovers, and Jessica’s exit presents an ideal opportunity to continue this trend. She has previously participated in several NCIS crossover episodes. The REACT team is still part of NCIS, so the two teams could work together during tense situations in Washington.

In such cases, Jessica could rejoin her team temporarily through her new role as an NCIS REACT officer. Her past with NCIS would be beneficial, allowing her to act as a liaison between the two teams. Returning through a crossover or cameo would also enable Jessica to reconnect with her former teammates. While her friendships with the team will likely endure beyond the move, it would be great to see the characters reunite on screen, and hopefully, NCIS season 22 will make this possible.

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